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A JSTOR success guide for libraries

This guide includes information and resources to help participants get the most out of the Books at JSTOR program. If you need help at any time, please contact JSTOR Support.

Account management

JSTOR provides site administrators with various notifications and reports to help manage each acquisition model for books.

Note: If you have purchased books that are not yet available on the JSTOR platform, we will automatically turn on access when those books are released. If you purchased titles through GOBI Library Solutions, you will receive the free OCLC MARC records if you opted in when you set up your account. 

Books at JSTOR allows interlibrary loan for book chapters. Please view the Terms and Conditions for details.

Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) was phased out in 2024.


Evidence-based Acquisition

  • Titles are added to EBA throughout the year as publishers join the program or add backlist titles to JSTOR.
  • Each year in January, we add titles from participating presses with a copyright date of three years ago. (For example, in 2023 we added books with a copyright date of 2020.)
  • Occasionally, ebooks are removed from the EBA title set due to rights issues or conversion to an Open Access model.
  • You will automatically receive updates to MARC records or discovery service collections as titles are added or removed.

Discovery Services

JSTOR provides metadata and full text to these discovery partners:

  • ProQuest – Summon
  • Ex Libris Alma - Primo
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • OCLC WorldCat Discovery

Libraries that participate in the Evidence-Based Acquisition program should select the Books at JSTOR EBA target/package to activate all the titles in your knowledge base. All others acquisition models require uploading a holdings list. These discovery services have added a target/package for JSTOR Open Access Titles to their knowledge bases so that libraries can easily activate the titles.

Please see the JSTOR Support site for more information about configuring Books at JSTOR. 

MARC Records

Free, high-quality MARC records from OCLC are provided for all titles in the Books at JSTOR collections. The MARC records are available to all participating institutions, regardless of whether they are OCLC affiliates.

For all Books at JSTOR participants:

Usage Statistics

JSTOR offers reports for institutions and consortia that show usage data in each acquisition model, as well as a summary across all models. Open Access usage reports are also available to all institutions, regardless of participation in our ebook program. You can find more information about Books at JSTOR reports on the JSTOR Support site, and you can access them through the JSTOR Admin site. Viewing usage statistics for Books at JSTOR requires an administrative account.

Open Access eBooks

Open Access ebooks are available on JSTOR at no cost to libraries or users. 9,000+ titles are now available from respected presses, such as University of California Press, University of Michigan Press, and the RAND Corporation, and the collection continues to grow.

The Open Access titles are cross-searchable with journals and primary sources on our popular JSTOR platform, increasing their usage and impact. All the Open Access titles are preserved in Portico, ensuring that researchers will have access to the content in perpetuity.  Content will remain Open Access if it is triggered through Portico.

Download the title list (xls) | Download KBART file


Review Open Access usage

Librarians at JSTOR participating institutions who are interested in learning how their patrons are using the Open Access ebooks on JSTOR may access a free usage report. This report shows the titles, disciplines, and publishers that faculty and students at your institution have accessed.

Visit our Books at JSTOR reports support page for more information on the reports and to request access to our admin portal.  If you already have an admin account, log in here to access the reports.


Terms and Conditions for Open Access ebooks

JSTOR's Terms & Conditions have been updated. Section 3.3 includes a definition of Open Access and section 4.4 states that any Creative Commons license has precedence over JSTOR's Terms & Conditions. Each Open Access title is available under one of six Creative Commons licenses, and the license type is shown at the bottom of each Open Access book and chapter page.

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