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JSTOR Resources for Licensing Representatives

About the campaign


  • This campaign will lean into “portfolio” marketing through a unified campaign to tell larger JSTOR story and generate highly qualified leads through targeting current JSTOR participants and non-JSTOR participating prospects. Messaging showcases our efforts to help grow the impact of their digital resources and adapt to evolving research and learning needs. The campaign will provide an overarching message that communicates how JSTOR is helping address the challenges faced by librarians in an evolving information landscape, while highlighting our content services:
    • Full journals and primary sources model
    • Path to Open
    • Artstor on JSTOR
    • Books
  • We will introduce the campaign in May, followed by a series highlighting key themes reflecting our close collaboration with libraries and demonstrating how our offerings solve common challenges:
    • Value of integrated content on JSTOR
    • Innovation and collaboration with libraries
    • Affordability
    • User experience
    • Flexibility and workflow support

In support of the combined revenue goal of $14.8M this campaign will generate highly qualified leads that increase awareness of and participation in JSTOR’s full journals and primary sources model for licensed journal archives and primary sources, the Artstor Digital Collection on JSTOR, Path to Open, and Books at JSTOR.

Target Audience

  • Primary audience: Participating four year colleges and universities, with segmented messaging for full journals and primary sources model participants, and non-participants
  • Secondary audience: Prospective non-JSTOR participants


Key Message

Subject: Grow the impact of your digital resources

Header: Cost-effective, innovative solutions for student and faculty success

Body copy:

Budgets are tight and requirements are expanding. You need open access initiatives, affordable fee structures, and future-proof solutions that provide flexibility and streamlined workflows.

JSTOR collaborates with the academic community to maximize access and easily discover and use multiple types of high-quality digital content—all on one platform.

The following are all available on JSTOR's powerful platform, built for teaching support across primary and secondary sources content.

  • Full journals and primary sources model - More than 1,700 libraries have expanded their holdings through a new model that provides affordable and comprehensive access to JSTOR archival journals and primary sources.
  • Artstor on JSTOR - Connect powerful visual explorations to your traditional text-based searches by adding Artstor to your current JSTOR subscription.
  • Path to Open - Support your institution’s research needs affordably and sustainably while investing in large-scale open access models.
  • Books at JSTOR - Advance teaching and learning with DRM free access to chapters from 132,000 high-quality ebooks from leading scholarly publishers.

CTA: Maximize the impact of your digital resources. Contact us to learn more about these affordable, flexible, leading-edge solutions. We'd love to hear from you.


JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways.

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